23. 10. 2012


 Naraziť na Simonu z The Picnic With Zebra ma zakaždým poteší, keďže jej štýl považujem za unikátny a zároveň jej to zakaždým velmi svedčí. 
Skvelo zladila športové s elegantným - a znova ma očarila!

I am pleased every time i bump into Simona from The Picnic With Zebra, because I find her style unique and at the same time, it always suits her perfectly. 
She combined sporty with elegant superbly - and enchanted me again!

Disco pants -  American Apparel,  sveter - Monki, tenisky - Nike, reťaz - H&M, OBEY čiapka - od oblúbeného nigga frienda z New Yorku, dočasná tetovačka

Disco pants - American Apparel, sweater - Monki, shoes - Nike, gold chain - H&M, OBEY hat- from my favorite nigga friend from New York, temporary tattoo.
                                                                                                                                                  IW & TANA 

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19. 10. 2012

15 minutes late

Pre otvárací post sme si vybrali speváka kapely Walter Schnitzelsson
Scenéria v uliciach Bratislavy je svojim spôsobom symbolická, lebo sme obe z Bratislavy
 Jožko prišiel na modrom bicykli a meškal 15 minút.
Celkom sme sa nasmiali.

For the opening post, we have chosen a lead singer form Walter Schnitzelsson. The scenery of typical street in Bratislava is significant, because we both are from Bratislava.
 Joseph arrived
on his blue bike, and he was 15 minutes late.
It was fun, we laughed a lot.

Topánky - Zara, Riflová bunda - Gap, Taštička - River Island, Gate a tričko - Bershka tak pred sto rokmi
Shoes - Zara, Denim jacket - Gap, Bag - River Island, Trousers and T-Shirt Bershka, 100 years ago
