16. 4. 2014

Vec, 2.0

Naša zbierka sneaker-themed postov sa rozrastá o ďalšiu osobnosť - pribúda tento príspevok s Brančim, a.k.a Vecom, ktorého máme po dlhom čase & po druhý krát tú česť mať na blogu. Tento raz sme fotili na Slavíne, kde zapózoval ako správny t u r i s t a, alebo patriot. Všímajte aj tenisky - Vec má obuté vymakané Nike Air Maxy 90 Lunar Infrared, bundu tiež od Nike. Topánky môžete kuknúť u SneakerBarber TU, Veca čekujte TU, a náš facebook TU


Our collection of sneaker-themed posts is growing. It's been a while since we posted the post with Branci, a.k.a Vec, & it's a honour to have him here for the second time! Photos were taken at Slavin, a very patriotic place, (used to demonstrate honour to Soviet soldiers, who died in WWII.) 
Make sure to check the shoes - Vec is wearing Nike Air Max Lunar 90 Infrared, and an awesome Nike jacket. Check the shoes HERE, Vec's music HERE, and our facebook HERE.

7. 4. 2014

Peter & Miki, Bratislava

Netuším prečo som tieto fotky na blogu nikdy nezverejnila. Teraz už sú kind of nostalgické, ale napriek tomu sa o ňe veľmi rada podelím. Peter a Miki, dvaja ľudia, ktorí svojim outfitom predstavujú (teda aspoň pre mňa) pure London v uliciach Bratislavy. Tak.


I have no idea why I've never published these pictures on the blog. Now, when they seem a bit nostalgic to me, It's my pleasure to share them with you all. Peter and Miki, two people, who perfectly represent true London, in the streets of Bratislava. Yep.

2. 4. 2014

Nike Air Max

Minulý týždeň v utorok sa konala v prahe Nike Air Max Opening party. Kto v štúdiu ešte nebol, mal by sa ísť kuknúť, viac o udalsoti TU.
Kopec štýlových ľudí, super hudba, super tenisky k tomu ale hlavne tampolína, vážení!!
 Bolo možné si zaskákať a k tomu ste dostali také super video ako napríklad DJ Wich
Z tenisiek mi padli do oka tie ružové, samozrejme.)

Last Tuesday, there was this Nike Air Max Opening party, which took its place in Prague. Who hasn't been to the studio yet, should totally visit it. Tons of stylish people, great music, amazing shoes, and a trampoline!! You could've jump and get amazing videos, just like this one, starring DJ Wich
From all the shoes, I totally fell in love with the pink ones.)
