27. 11. 2012

Edinburgh & Wien in Bratislava

                                                      Táto sobota bola pre mňa špeciálna. 
          Konečne som sa stretla s Melisou o ktorej si myslím, že je presne to, čo slovenská blogová scéna potrebovala.  Prišla aj s Tomášom a musím povedať že na mňa pôsobia ako najmilší pár na svete. Preto som sa rozhodla že si ich cvaknem spolu. Boli zväčša odetí v mojej oblúbenej farbe, čiernej, takže sa mi páčili o to viac. 
Melisa mala krásne blingbling doplnky, opasok & náramok z kolekcie Anna Dello Russo for H&M .
Tomáš bol zase opak blingbling. Mal koženú biker jacket a prepracovanými detailmi, spolu s koženými topánkami to vyzeralo proste geniálne.
Melisa prišla až z Edinburghu a Tomáš z Viedne.

No nie sú top?!

                                                        This Saturday was special for me. 
It was the day, when I finally met Melisa ,who I think, is exactly what slovak blogger scene needed.
She came along with Tomas, and I have to admit that they seem like sweetest couple in the world. That's why I decided to shoot them together. They were dressed mostly in black, my favorite color, so that made me like them even more! Melisa had a blingbling accessories, belt and bracelet from Anna Dello Russo for H&M .
Tomas was the opposite of blingbling, he had this awesome leather vintage biker jacket with perfect details, combined with black leather boots. It looked just amazing!
Melisa came from Edinburgh and Tomas from Vienna.

Aren't they top?!                                                    T.


Melisa: Šortky - H&M,Sveter - H&M, Bunda - H&M kids, Topánky - eBay, Opasok a náramok: Anna  Dello Russo for H&M, Hodinky - Casio, Šál - H&M.
Shorts - H&M, Sweater - H&M, Jacket - H&M kids, Shoes - eBay, Belt & Bracelet - Anna Dello Russo for H&M, Watches - Casio, Scarf - H&M

Tomáš: Vintage bunda, Sveter - Vintage, Nohavice H&M, čižmy Topman
Jacket - Vintage, Sweater - Vintage, Trousers - H&M, boots - Topman

Lajkujte Melisinu fb page pre viac info: http://www.facebook.com/melisaminca?fref=ts

Iw & Tana

20. 11. 2012


Prvé čo ma upútalo? 
Taška a septum.
Phil pre nás symbolizuje začiatok zimy, prichádza s ním aj náš prvý uzimený outfit. Keďže sa už ochladzuje, zvolil perfektný kabát a zladil ho so zvyškom outfitu. Na prvý pohlad ma šokovala jeho taška, jedna z top DIY vecí, aké som kedy videla. 

First things that caught my eye?
The bag and septum.
Phil symbolizes the beginning of winter for us, because he is our very first cold, winter post on our blog.
As long as it is getting colder and colder, he wore this perfect coat, and combined it with the rest of his outfit.
His bag was so awesome, even shocking. Probably top DIY thing i've ever seen.

                                                                     Oblečenie - väčšinou second hand, a vela je DIY.
                                                                      Clothes - mostly 2nd hand, and a lot of DIY.

                                                                                                    Iw & Tana