25. 1. 2013

Vanda Vandal

Vandu by som fotila stále.
Pózovanie pred objektívom má rokmi praxe zmáknuté. Keď som ju išla fotiť, fakt ma zaujímalo, ako sa oblečie, lebo bola hrozná zima. V zime vyzerajú všetci rovnako. No príjemne ma prekvapila , samozrejme. Uplne top bol jej náhrdelník ktorý si vyrobila z kravského zvonca! (nie, nezvoní keď ide - má tam nejakú plastelínu čo ten zvuk tlmí) No, vidím to ako hviezdu urban marketov, ako patriotický doplnok no.1! Batikované legíny DIY niesu, tie si doniesla z Hong Kongu, rovnako ako aj šál. 

 I'd take pictures of Vanda constantly. 
Posing in front of a lens is something, she can do, because of all the years of training. 
When I went to shoot her, I was really curious about what is she going to wear, it was incredibly cold outside. In winter, everyone looks the same, but she surprised me, of course. 
Her necklace was top! She made it out of a cow bell, (no, it is not ringing when she walks, she eliminated the sound with a piece of some plasticine) So, I see it as a new star of urban markets, as a patriotic accessory no.1! Batik leggings unfortunately are not DIY, she brought them from Hong Kong, and the scarf as well. 



Kabát - Zara, Legíny - nejaký butik v Hong Kongu, Košela - Vintage, Topánky - Timberland, Hodinky - Bell&Ross, Náhrdelník - handmade, Šál - Zara, Taška - XXYYXX

Coat - Zara, Leggings - some boutique in Hong Kong, Shirt - vintage, Shoes - Timberland, Watches - Bell& Rose, Necklace - Handmade, Scarf - Zara, Bag - XXYYXX


6. 1. 2013

Late Christmas

Trošku oneskorený vianočný post, ale predsa, lepšie neskoro ako nikdy. 
Malá Rebeka z Košíc, žijúca v Prahe, sa neobávala zimy a ako súčasť outfitu zvolila
šortky s pančuchami. Zladila sa do vianočných farieb, akoby práve prišla zo Severného Pólu,)
Ako doplnok si vzala tieto brutálne zlaté hodinky, a Raybany.

PS:Pochváľte sa čo ste dostali na Vianoce, a priznajte komu bolo zle 1.1.2013 ,)
Jej blog : TU!

A little late christmas post, but better later then never. 
Little Rebeka from Košice, living in Prague, was not scared of cold, so she had chosen shorts with tights. She wore these christmas colors, looking like she just came from the North Pole,)
As accessories, she had these fabulous golden watches, and Raybans.

PS: Tell us what did you get for Christmas, and confess - whom of you had headache on 1.1.2013 ,)
Her blog, HERE!

Coat - sheinside.com, shirt - newyorker, shorts - 2hand, glasses - rayban, boots - redhot, watches - storm.
