11. 12. 2013


Aloha! Predstavujem vám moju oblúbenú Kristínu, s ktorou sa v obchodoch vždy zhodneme na 99% veciach, takže aj tento krát sa obliekla asi tak, ako by som sa obliekla na fotenie aj ja. Šedé šaty z Primarku, gold chains, šedo-neónové Nike Air Max (ja mám síce ružové ale aj tieto by som totally brala) a suprové hodinky vo farbe rose gold!


Aloha! Let me introduce you my favourite Kristina. We always agree on 99% stuff in shops, so this time again - I would totally choose this kind of outfit for a photoshooting like this. She wore grey dress from Primark, gold chains, grey Nike Air Max, (I have pink ones, but I would totally get these as well!) and supercool watches in Rose gold colour. 

                                   toPHOt  BONUS!! 

Dress - Primark, Shoes - Nike Air Max, Leather Jacket - Mango, Gold chains - H&M, Watches - Michael Kors

15. 10. 2013

Marek, Slowatch

Po pár mesiacoch letnej hibernácie sa opäť prebúdzame. Okrem toho, že jeseň je moje najoblúbenejšie ročné obdobie sa vo mne vždy na jeseň prebúdza milión nápadov, takže tu toho teraz môžete očakávať vela! Tento krát mi zapózoval Marek zo Slowatch gangu, takmer celý odetý v oblečení z Americal Apparel, ktoré si vrátane košele, bundy a čiapky a dokonca aj bickylu môžete zakúpiť na Mikulášskej ulici v Bratislave, kde vás radi privítajú borci Jolo a Marty! 
Mňa osobne veľmi teší, že už za American Apparelom nemusím cestovať do Viedne, alebo čakať, kým mi veci prídu z e-shopu. Odporúčam!!!


After few months of summer hibernation, we are wide awake again! Autumn is my very favorite time of the year, and all the ideas are waking up inside of my head. So, you can expect a lot of stuff over here! This time, I had a pleasure to capture Marek from Slowatch gang, (almost) all dressed in American Apparel goods. His clothes including shirt, jacket, hat and bike as well are available at their shop at Mikulasska street in Bratislava, where folks Jolo and Marty can't wait to welcome you! 
Honestly, I am pretty excited about this shop, as long as now I don't have to travel to Vienna/or wait for the delivery from American Apparel e-shop. I reccommend!! 


košela, bunda, čiapka - American Apparel, Topánky - Vans, Bicykel - Slowatch
shirt, jacket, hat - American Apparel, Shoes - Vans, Bike - Slowatch

5. 7. 2013


headband - lindex, skit and t-shirt- TOPSHOP, shoes - H&M

Z ROEKIDS tu už boli takmer všetci a svätú trojicu uzatvára Véra. Bambi ste mohli vidieť TU a Ondreja nedávno TU. Vonku bolo 100 stupňov ! Veronika zvolila veľmi jednoduchý, pohodlný a nie veľmi výrazný outfit. Drobná krutá je najsuper party žena.

There have been almost all members of Roekids on our blog, the holy trinity, including Vera.You can see Bambi Here and Andrew Here. It was 100 degress outside ! Veronika chose a very simple, convenient outfit. this tiny cruel woman is the wildest party animal ever!


23. 6. 2013


shoes - vans, pants - levis, jacket - 2hand, cap - divided (H&M), t-shirt - blood from impericon.com

Andrej je môj veľmi dobrý kamarát z Bratislavy. Pretože sa mi páči jeho ležérny sk8 punkový štýl, rozhodla som sa urobiť malý photoshoot. Nieje nič lepšie ako kombinácia oblečenia z veľkých obchodných reťazcov a 2handov. Jednoduché kúsky a modrá farba. Bola som veľmi rada keď sa mi priznal že si outfit nijak špeciálne nepripravoval kedže Vám chceme ukázať skutočný vkus ľudí.  Miluje komixy a klasické scifi. Punkáč ktorý sa necháva unášať životom :)

Andrej is very good friend of mine from Bratilava. Because I like his casual sk8 punk style, I decided to make a little photoshoot. There is nothing better than a combination of clothes from big retail chains and 2hands. Simple pieces and nice blue color :). I excited, when he admited, that he did not really prepare outfit for the shooting. because We want to show You the real style of the people. He loves comics and clasic sfici. He´s Punk who lets himself be carried away by life.



26. 5. 2013


  S  Michalom, kurátorom, ktorý stíha byť okrem iného aj DJ, organizátor Hochspannung! či manažér kapely Nvmeri ,sme si dali túru až na Bratislavský hrad a myslím, že kvôli tej scenérii sa to určite oplatilo. Jeho štýl obliekania by som definovala jednoducho, ako minimalisticky mestský chic, bez výrazných farieb a doplnkov, aneb štýl, ktorému koniec koncov tiež holdujem.


   Michal, curator, who is also a DJ, organizer at Hochspannung!manager of a band Nvmeri, and many more, agreed on taking a tour to Bratislava castle. It was totally worth it, because of the wonderful scenery.  His style can be simply defined as minimalistic city chic, without bright colors and accessories, style, which I, personally, fancy as well. 

T-shirt - H&M, Jacket- Bershka, Trousers - Cheap Monday (Common People, Vienna), Belt - H&M, Shoes- Baťa, Sunglasses - Vintage 

8. 5. 2013

Vec, tá ruka? nie, ten čo robí rap!

Branči Kováč, tiež známy ako Vec, či Sam System,
 zapózoval na pár fotkách v mojej oblúbenej časti centra Bratislavy, na Palisádoch. Spoločnosť nám robil jeho pes Quido a.k.a feťák.
Mal svoj tradičný športový cveng pozostávajúci z Nike tenisiek, LRG gatí a triča so slonom, ktoré môžete poznať z klipu Vec&Škrupo - Kúsky mňa. 
Video si môžete pozrieť na konci postu.

Branči Kováč, known as Vec or Sam System, striked few poses in my favorite part of Bratislava, Palisady. His dog Quido a.k.a feťák (dope) was our company.
His typical cveng (swag) was consisting of Nike shoes, LRG pants and 
 elephant t-shirt, which appeared in his music video, Vec&Škrupo - Kúsky mňa. 
You can watch the video at the end of this post.


Trousers - LRG - www.metrostore.cz, shoes - Nike Rosherun, Nike aupark, T-shirt - Jordan, Aupark.

             Bonus: Video Kúsky Mňa, ft Škrupo.                                 

2. 5. 2013


V tomto poste vám prinášame Kuba, ktorý je ten typ, ktorý je všade a každý ho pozná, môžete ho vždy stretnúť v Kc Dunaj, kde pracuje a pije captain morgana. Je oblečený v svojom casual štýle, ktorý je však vždy výnimočný práve kvôli jeho tetovaniam, ktorých má nespočetne vela (ukázal nám však len zopár)
ps: má cveng, ako hovorí jeho tričko z Vec mi Zlokot edície.

This post is dedicated to Kubo, who is the type who knows everyone and you can always meet him at Kc Dunaj, where he works, and drinks captain morgan. He is dressed at his casual style, which is actually always special, thanks to his awesome tattoos. Kubo has got several tattoos all over his body (just few of them are showed) 
ps: he's got cveng (swag) as his t-shirt says.

 T - shirt - kto má cveng? vec mi zlokot edition, Trousers - H&M, Shoes - vision street wear, hoodie - volcom, jacket -Levi's second hand, watches - victorinox, sunglasses - ray ban wayfarer

   BONUS, Kuxo s Kubom v prísnej póze 

22. 4. 2013


Minulý piatok som odfotila Kuxa, ktorého vždy môžete stretnúť s telefónom v ruke, lebo je manažérom milión kapiel, projektov a tiež ex-šéfredaktor Shiz. sk. Vždy sa divím sa ako dobre si vie zorganizovať svoj čas. 
Jeho autentická orandžová bunda nemohla chýbať, v sprievode prísneho trička VJBNC - z Vec mi Zlokot edície, z dielne otcns.skk tomu conversy a úsmev, to je proste Kuxo.
Taška je slovenský hand made, od WooleWo.  

Last friday, I've captured few pictures of Kuxo, a guy who is holding his mobile phone every time you meet him, according to a fact, that he is a manager of several bands, projects, and an ex-editor in chief at Shiz.sk. I am always amazed how effectively he can organize his time.
His authentic orange jacket, combined with this awesome VJBNC - Vec mi Zlokot edition t-shirt made by otcns.sk, converse shoes, and a smile are just so Kuxo.
The bag is slovak hanad made product by WooleWo.  

Shoes - Converse, sweatshirt - Pull&Bear, Orange jacket - H&M, Jeans - H&M, T-shirt - VJBNC custom, designed by otcns.sk


      bonus: Kuxo v jeho oblúbenej póze s telefónom
bonus: Kuxo in his favorite pose, holding a mobile phone.

1. 3. 2013

Natalia, the violinist

Natália, očarujúca! Miluje Nórsko a klasickú hudbu, vždy si hrdo nesie svoje husle, a pristanú jej. Čo myslíte? 
Posledný zimný post, lebo KONEČNE je tu jar! 

Natalia, enchanting! She loves Norway and classical music. She is always carrying her Violin, and it simply belongs to her style. What do you think? 
The last winter post, because it's spring, FINALLY! 


                                              Coat - Second Hand, Turtleneck - H&M, Shoes - Vagabond, Bag - Magritte exposition,  Vienna, Hair band- Vingtage
                                                                                                                  Iw & Tana

                                                                                                   BONUS, picture of this awesome fog I took the same morning!

25. 1. 2013

Vanda Vandal

Vandu by som fotila stále.
Pózovanie pred objektívom má rokmi praxe zmáknuté. Keď som ju išla fotiť, fakt ma zaujímalo, ako sa oblečie, lebo bola hrozná zima. V zime vyzerajú všetci rovnako. No príjemne ma prekvapila , samozrejme. Uplne top bol jej náhrdelník ktorý si vyrobila z kravského zvonca! (nie, nezvoní keď ide - má tam nejakú plastelínu čo ten zvuk tlmí) No, vidím to ako hviezdu urban marketov, ako patriotický doplnok no.1! Batikované legíny DIY niesu, tie si doniesla z Hong Kongu, rovnako ako aj šál. 

 I'd take pictures of Vanda constantly. 
Posing in front of a lens is something, she can do, because of all the years of training. 
When I went to shoot her, I was really curious about what is she going to wear, it was incredibly cold outside. In winter, everyone looks the same, but she surprised me, of course. 
Her necklace was top! She made it out of a cow bell, (no, it is not ringing when she walks, she eliminated the sound with a piece of some plasticine) So, I see it as a new star of urban markets, as a patriotic accessory no.1! Batik leggings unfortunately are not DIY, she brought them from Hong Kong, and the scarf as well. 



Kabát - Zara, Legíny - nejaký butik v Hong Kongu, Košela - Vintage, Topánky - Timberland, Hodinky - Bell&Ross, Náhrdelník - handmade, Šál - Zara, Taška - XXYYXX

Coat - Zara, Leggings - some boutique in Hong Kong, Shirt - vintage, Shoes - Timberland, Watches - Bell& Rose, Necklace - Handmade, Scarf - Zara, Bag - XXYYXX


6. 1. 2013

Late Christmas

Trošku oneskorený vianočný post, ale predsa, lepšie neskoro ako nikdy. 
Malá Rebeka z Košíc, žijúca v Prahe, sa neobávala zimy a ako súčasť outfitu zvolila
šortky s pančuchami. Zladila sa do vianočných farieb, akoby práve prišla zo Severného Pólu,)
Ako doplnok si vzala tieto brutálne zlaté hodinky, a Raybany.

PS:Pochváľte sa čo ste dostali na Vianoce, a priznajte komu bolo zle 1.1.2013 ,)
Jej blog : TU!

A little late christmas post, but better later then never. 
Little Rebeka from Košice, living in Prague, was not scared of cold, so she had chosen shorts with tights. She wore these christmas colors, looking like she just came from the North Pole,)
As accessories, she had these fabulous golden watches, and Raybans.

PS: Tell us what did you get for Christmas, and confess - whom of you had headache on 1.1.2013 ,)
Her blog, HERE!

Coat - sheinside.com, shirt - newyorker, shorts - 2hand, glasses - rayban, boots - redhot, watches - storm.
