11. 12. 2013


Aloha! Predstavujem vám moju oblúbenú Kristínu, s ktorou sa v obchodoch vždy zhodneme na 99% veciach, takže aj tento krát sa obliekla asi tak, ako by som sa obliekla na fotenie aj ja. Šedé šaty z Primarku, gold chains, šedo-neónové Nike Air Max (ja mám síce ružové ale aj tieto by som totally brala) a suprové hodinky vo farbe rose gold!


Aloha! Let me introduce you my favourite Kristina. We always agree on 99% stuff in shops, so this time again - I would totally choose this kind of outfit for a photoshooting like this. She wore grey dress from Primark, gold chains, grey Nike Air Max, (I have pink ones, but I would totally get these as well!) and supercool watches in Rose gold colour. 

                                   toPHOt  BONUS!! 

Dress - Primark, Shoes - Nike Air Max, Leather Jacket - Mango, Gold chains - H&M, Watches - Michael Kors

2 komentáre:

Mafin povedal(a)...

superduper :-)

MeowNEKI NEKO povedal(a)...

kristina je cutie pie :) postujte postujte! viac viac! :)